I'm sitting here, the day after Christmas, thinking about how 2010 is coming to a close. For the past 17 years, my mind has thought of "years" in school years...because when you start a new school year in August, it feels like that is when you have the chance to start over, make some changes, and accomplish some things, whether you're starting 4th grade, 12th grade, or your senior year of college. Now I'm trying to shift my mind to think in calendar years like the rest of the "adult" world!
2010 was a really big, and wonderful, year. Lots of changes, lots of excitement, and a few things that brought about some sadness or nostalgia.
I rang in 2010 in Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl, which was such a fun trip aside from our loss, and a great way to end my EIGHT years in marching band! I can't imagine my life without it, and while it's nice to have my weekends again and be home for all of the holidays, I do miss performing and being with such a tight-knit group of people.
I began my last semester as a college student, which was so surreal! I took lots of classes that interested me, and also had my Advertising Campaigns class that capped off my degree nicely, ending with a huge presentation to CBS radio in Dallas.
I welcomed a new grandlittle, Audrey, and a great-grandlittle, Callie, into my Tau Beta Sigma family. These girls, along with Kayla and Ashley, have truly become like little sisters to me, and I value keeping close to them even though I am now a TBS alum.
I got sick...a lot. Staying so busy during my senior year was both a curse and a blessing because I truly lived it up and did just about everything I possibly could, but I also didn't sleep enough and wore myself out. I wound up with the stomach flu in February and an upper respiratory infection and mono in March. My body forced me to rest, and since then I have been MUCH healthier for the rest of the year!
I spent part of spring break in San Antonio with my best friends Briana and Marissa. We are a true testament to the ability to remain close to friends even when you are separated by physical distance.
BIG milestone-- I graduated college! I now have a Bachelor of Science in Advertising/Public Relations from Texas Christian University. Four years flew by faster than I could ever have imagined. With this graduation came many goodbyes-- to Tau Beta Sigma, to band, to my many friends at school, to living with my roommates, to both of my jobs working with children that I loved so much; so while it was an exciting time, it was also sad too!
I moved home. Living at home again after four years of living in a dorm/apartment/house with your friends is a little strange, but I've settled in nicely. I get along well with my parents and enjoy spending time with them... and major bonus, it's rent-free!
I got an internship doing something I had never done before, and learned a lot.
I went to Hawaii!!! Such a beautiful place, and an amazing family vacation. I want to go back to paradise!
I got a grown-up job!!! And not just any job, the job that I had hoped and literally prayed for ever since I was an intern. I had tried to prepare myself if it didn't work out, but I was so relieved and overjoyed to be hired and get to do what I love.
My sister left for college. It's weird being the only child at home, but she's adjusted well to college and is following in my footsteps as a public relations major. I'm very proud of her!
Another major change-- Alex moved to California. We had done a "short distance" relationship at different colleges over the last four years, and that was hard at times, but this was a huge distance. It was hard to have him leave after an amazing summer together, but a semester flew by and we survived, so I know we can do it! I honestly think all of the build-up and preparing for him to leave was harder than it's been now that he's actually moved, because I was dreading the unknown.
I began to experience TCU as an alum. Strange to not feel such a sense of ownership anymore because I can no longer walk the campus as a student, perform at football games, hang out in the buildings. But I love TCU and wear my purple even more proudly... it's just a little different from the other side!
I visited Alex twice in California. It was wonderful to spend time with him there and experience his life.. I think it makes it easier to be apart when I know what his life is like there and have been involved in it firsthand. I am very much in love with him and am so proud of what he is already doing with his life.
A few other things that have happened-- met lots of great new people and friends, paid my first loan off, joined a bowling league with some of my co-workers, and experienced holidays in the "real world" and now appreciate time off more than ever. There were many other things that happened, but hopefully that covers the big stuff. All in all, it was an amazing year, and I am very very blessed.
To sum it all up, I chose a picture from each month of the year in 2010:
JANUARY- Fiesta Bowl! New Year's Eve in downtown Phoenix
FEBRUARY- the most snow I've ever seen in my life
MARCH- My Tau Beta Sigma Pink! Family (Ashley, Kayla, Audrey, and Callie) at 3rd Degree
APRIL-My advertising campaigns group, Sentidos, after we presented to CBS Radio in Dallas over a campaign we had worked on for 3 months
MAY-Graduation with my family
JUNE-Sister's high school graduation
AUGUST- 6 Year Anniversary in California
SEPTEMBER- TCU game as alumni with my pledge class!
OCTOBER- Cowboys Game on Halloween with Bree and Marissa
NOVEMBER- Bauza's Birthday
DECEMBER- Happy Graduation, Caroline!
Choosing picures for that was WAY harder than I expected, because I love pictures and have hundreds from the past year to choose from!
Thank you to everyone who made 2010 a great year... I value and love each of you!
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